My Sweet Boy!!!
My boy, You are 17 months and you are getting closer to the terrible Two.
Blond Hair and Blue eyes, Just like your sister.
You are so adorable, and easy going toddler, even thought some days you show a little of character.
You like to do Everything that your sister does.
You love turning of and on the lights all over the house.
You are climb up in everything, couch, bed, chairs, table etc.
Your favorite space of the whole house is the kitchen, I think it is because your mommy let you play there.
Your favorites activities involves paint, game fit, messiness, food, etc.
You Almost eats everything, so far you don't have any favorite food.
You say, Hola, aló, and Chao, in Spanish and in English you say, Sorry, bye, and hello.
You don't watch Any TV, you don't like it, you love running around for the whole house.
and Sweet Baby boy, I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!!