30 minutes!!

 Hello My Friends!! as you know I started to work las Friday, and one of my goals for this year is be in the presente, living this year because 2013 I didn't enjoyed at all, even though that It happened to me wonderful things, so this year I will enjoy the best that I can do, and AT WORK TOO.
 When I'm working always I'm focused in my activities, my plan for the day, MY PHONE, etc... but sometimes I'm not present with the kids if you know what I mean, I play with the them a lot, but my head is always in another place, or I'm on my phone, or focused on my activities.

 But this year I promised to be more present with the kids, only 30 min, not with my phone, not thinking in something else, not on my activities, just playing what ever the kids wants to do, it's gonna be sooo hard some days, beacause I'm a human, but I 'll try my best.

 On Monday We spent a really good 30 min playing at safari, She wanted to play that, (I don't) but well, it was her 30 minuts.
Today It was a little hard for me to focus on playing because I was talking with my sister about the party of my niece, and a devasting news come up in the morning so I wasn't focused, I didn't wanted to play but I try, but I didn't work, so I did something that I always enjoy and the kids too... I read books!! I love to read books, so we spent 30 min reading, and a good other 30 min playing, but I wasn't there, I don't know if the girl noticed (I think she didn't)... but well That's it.

 Sometimes we feel guilty because we  have to do another stuff around the house like cooking, cleaning etc, but your kid wants to play, and sometimes (or at least I) felt guilty to say to not to them, and then we want to play with them the rest of the day, but we ours minds are in another place, we are on ours phones, or just we are playing for play, and that is not quality time with your kids...

30 min daily could be the best, but really being there with the kids, with no phone,  or thinking in something else.

30 min there is better the a whole day with the phone, or thinking in another things, or just not enjoying the time with them!


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