
Showing posts from February, 2013

I'm fine, Emma is perfect, Mayu is fine

I don't know if I mention before that my sister's name is Maryori... Well I'm fine, I presented My last work three times and it was just fine, Today was my last counseling with my teacher and on monday I have to deliver all the work finished. In other hand, the bank approved the 400€, so I'm happy but not too much happy because I still have to get the money in my hand, I will do that on thuesday!! the last thing is the remittances, I hope finish that on Monday!!!  Emma. Emma is the most beautiful thing in the world!!! I will spoiling her A LOT, (sorry mayu). They will be in home tomorrow!! and I will be with her in 9 days. Mayu My sister in doing just fine. She is recovery of c-section, and doing well!!

Introducing Emma Valentina

My niece born today!!!   Is the most beautiful thing in this world!!! and in 11 days I'll be with her!

She is on her way!!!

Emma will be here in any moment now!!!! My sister is in labor since yesterday!!! I'm so happy. More news tomorrow!!! In another hand, I am in the middle of everything right now... On Wenesday I'll present my final work for the last time. I'm asking for the money for my trip, after so many inconvenience maybe I'll be on the right way in a few days! I'm going crazy this days, I'm so tired, but not collapsed, I have a great attitude I hope don't lose it!!! See ya tomorrow

Sooo busyy

I don't how moms do this every day!! I'm not a mom, I have a lot of free time, or well I think I have more free time that most of the moms have, and I can't ( don't want??) to write a here!! I had a busy day today!! I walked a lot, but I feel optimistic about everything.  First... I present today my final work !!  isn't ready, but we have the most important things done, so we present today and it was great, it was easy and I felt confident doing it!! also I have the best friends and partners to do it! But I have to do it two time more.... one in front of like 50 or 60 people and other in front of the most important teachers at my college!! little scary that!! but I know that everything is going to be ok.  Second... I finally got over about the devaluation of the bolivar , there is nothing that I can't do... So today was my day to go of the exchange house and find out which are the requeriments to send money to Spain!!! It's not that hard, I just hope...

New Day, not news

well I'm very calm right now, that's a good thing about me, I can't keep too long a bad emotion, I prayed, and talked to my dad and sister and that make me feel better. But have passed three days after the news, and nothing is clear yet, the banks are close because the Carnival, and the page on Internet is not working, so I don't have any news, and I don't know how is gonna work right now , I hope tomorrow have news. But I Just have another bad news, maybe i have to pay the increase on my ticket, i'm no sure but just maybe and just more money, oh my!! but I'm doing fine, I know that not matter the case I will travel to Spain, and the most important things is meet my niece and be there for my sister!!! well let's talk about other things!! here is Carnival, and we have a long weekend, in matter of fact today is the last day of Carnaval, and for first time in seven years I did nothing!!! I did not traveled anywhere, I just stayed in my home alone! and I lo...

I'm feeling really Bad!!!

  This is not a happy post! it is a angry post Today wasn't a great day, I spent all morning in banks, and all afternoon thinking and crying!! YES GRYING! Why is so FREAKING hard living here, not in a third world country, not, I mean here in Venezuela. My day it was supposed start with news, with information about my trip, I had information, but it dosen't was good, you remembered the process that I was talking about to get € or $ in Venezuela? well today supposed that I would get all the information to do it right, but I wasted one hour in the bank wating to be call, and for nothing, because when they call me they said that in THAT bank don't do it, and they told us that was only in two banks that do it, and in neither of those bank my dad have a account!! and of course to open a account in any bank here is very hard and another process!!! So my dad and I went to one of the bank that they told us, and they said to us that, Yes they do it, but only send or approve 300$ AT...

New Look and Future

Hello out there!!! I got a new look! and I love it!!, I wanted something really girly and light! and well I think I got it!! well Now I'm think I'm ready to speak (write) here about my plans on my future, I think I have giving several clues about what I want to do.  The tittle of my blog is in reference about that, "Just my life in Venezuela" why just not "Just my life" or other tittle?, that is because my dreams and goal is moving out of Venezuela, another country, I will love live in USA, but I can't for the papers, so for obvious reason my choice is Spain, exactly Tenerife, my sister live there, and well is more easy for me to go there. My dad and I, we been planned this since I started College 5 years ago, and the plan was when my sister get married (my brother in law born here, but his father is from Spain, so he has the citizenship of spain) and then my sister could claims me and then I could get the citizenship, and well, that was the perfect pla...

What I'm Looking forward

Hello. I just want to talk about the things that are going on in my life right now, and of what i want for my future. The first thing that I'm looking forward is finish my career, and specifically my last work!! we almost finish it, but the teacher has the last word, and she have to check it out and tell us what we have to fix. Second the money for my trip!! I just want to be very open here... I'm in Venezuela, a third world country, where we don't know if our president is alive or not,( that is who is stupid we are) i'm sorry I'm a little mad about all this situacion, but whatever, the thing is : here you have to go to the bank and ask for the $$ to be able to travel, Before Chavez (our president) we (Venezuelan) were able to go to the banks and ask for how many dollars we want to travel, if you wanted  5000$$ and you had the money to paid them, you could with any trouble, but now we have to go through a process just for ask 500$ to the bank , and even though maybe...