My Boss Birthday

Well, catching up

Of July 23 was My boss Birthday, but he decided to celebrated of July 22 I don't Know why, well that day everybody went to the Hairdresser, I cut my hair and dryed (I don't if is the correct word), V loves go to the Hairdresser, they made their nails and hair too, but her mom don't want to cut her hair, so I told her to the  Hairstylist to only made a Hairstyle to her, she looks so cute, and R just played with the Ipad the whole time, poor little guy.

Well They had to dress pretty cute and they do  

With their cousin Santiago

I Love this view. 

They played the whole night, well V went to sleep like a 11 pm and R I don't know, I fell asleep before him

V Took almost all the pictures

And he we are, with the man who make cartoons of the people in the party

She is a Princess, I left my Cartoon in the work, so I can't show you 


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