
Showing posts from July, 2014

Hi People!! Some "news"??

Hello there!! Well I just want to tell you that I'm no sure if tomorrow are going to be the Chit Chat and parenting post, just because I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow, or if I'm going to be busy the whole day, because that's leaning to my another announce. I have a surprise for you, actually is more for me, but I think you would like to read about it, but I'm not sure if this surprise is going to happen or not until tomorrow!! I might disappear for days, who knows!! I'll try to keep you update!! See ya!!

My Poor Benlly

Hello there!! My poor dog Benlly was sick, for the past 3 years she had been sick for this time of the year, every year different reason, this year was completely my fault. In 2012 she was bitten for a street dog in Higuerote, I wasn't there, and my mom give her a bunch of human medicine like ibuprofen and she made it worst, so that year was tough, she stayed with me for the rest of the summer and I took care of here and I payed all!! in 2013 was an emergency, I took her just for her regular shots, and days before she was bleeding, but I thought it was her period, so I didn't worry about it, but at the vet I mention that, and that also she wasn't eating at all, but she was happy, so  the vet said that maybe she just was bored of the same food, but he made her a ECO, and then they saw her womb and it was full of puss, and she needed to be operated THAT DAY, well long story short, she was operated then I few days latter she was operated again because I let her going up ...

My "Little Sister" Graduated

Hello my friends! I cannot believe that Marian, My little sister not-that-little, just finished Elementary School!! she is already a teenager or at least she acts like one hahah She finished school last week, and she ask me to go to her act, it wasn't fancy at all, they didn't get a diploma or a medal (so weird) but well, she danced with her class, and they did a little act were they show us the new shirt that they are going to wear for the next 3 years, (here, every school uses uniform, and the elementary school shirt is white, and the junior high is blue, and high school is beige), and in that moment I almost cry, it was so cute and emotional seeing them in the blue shirt! The dance it was okay, I don't know why every single teen acts like nothing cares, there's were about 4 dances and none the kids were smiling, it was so weird for me, because I knew that my sister was excited about the dance, she practiced and practiced in home and then when she is on stag...

Chit-Chat & Parenting / "MY TIME"

Hello My Friends! Last week we talk about the importance of spending time with the kiddos, but it is also important spending time with YOURSELF, and it is as or much important than spending time with the kids! To keep you safe and SANE for the rest of the day IS VERY VERY important that YOU do what YOU REALLY want to do, not cleaning, or errands, just keep a least 30 minutes of the day to do whatever you want to do, for me it was always my phone, a book or tv, even sleep (some days I took a nap at work, NOT SHAME), sometime that YOU NEED, a cup of coffee a tea, something that makes you feel happy, and charge energy for the rest of the day. When the kids are sleeping, taking naps or in alone time, make that time your time, I remember when I was working with V and R, I couldn't never have a MY TIME during the day, but they always went to bed early, and I was SO happy when 7 pm come, and it was time for bath, and bed!! And That’s was my time, and with my other kids ...

A Different Night

Hi My friends!! Last Friday I was invited to see a show of R and V’s cousin! Even though that has been a year and half that I haven’t seen them, I always keep touch with the rest of the family! So When R and V’s aunt invited me to the show I was flattered and excited!! I love them, as much I love R and V, I watched them grow and became in wonderful little ladies, also I love their mother and the whole family in General, I’m so happy to still be part of the family, even for short moments like this! The show was great, the kids were very nervous and that shown on stage, but they sang wonderful!! They were 6 and 2 Years old the first time that I saw them, now they have 12 and 8 years old

What's in my Beauty Bag (SUYL)

Hello My friends, Today I’m linking up with the blog “ Kelly’s Korner ” She does this thing call “Show us your life” and in the past I did some post about it, and today I wanted to do it, just for fun! Well this week is make up. I don’t use so much make up, in my entire teens year I think I never worn makeup, just for special occasions, I was the outsider when my schools friends made their make up I always watched them  but I never did it, I don’t know I wasn’t that interested!! Then college came and it was worst because not even my college friends worn make up, haha, but well, I started using make up in my twenties, just for weekend and date nights and stuff like that, and I wear a really basic make up, I don’t wear any eye shadow! This is what is in mu beauty bag L’oreal Mascara, it works really well, but I’m looking for another brand. Walmy blush, I like it because is very cheap, haha and it works fine with my skin! L’bel Powder Compact, rea...

Chit-Chat and Parenting/ Quality time, it’s not about how long it’s about how

If you’re a parent I know you are always struggling about how much time you spend with your kids, it’s really enough? What I’m doing is the right thing to do? Should I spent more time with them? I’m not a parent, I am a teacher and Nanny, and even I wonder about those things, I’m doing a great job? I’m paying enough attention to the kids, to their needs? My answer is always the same, it doesn't matter who much time you are spending with them, you can be with them the whole day but if you do not are PRESENT, playing, and doing stuff with them, you aren't doing a good job, I know what you might think, “But I Play with them” but you are truly PRESENT or you are thinking about dinner, checking you phone and your mind is in another place?  As a Nanny I spend a lot of time with the kids, but I was always in my phone or thinking in something else and I was feeling very guilt about that , till one day I decide to spend quality time with them and I just made 30 min...

Chit Chat and Parenting comes tomorow!!

Sorry I have to go out right now and I don't have ready the post!! Tomorrow You'll have The post about Chit Chat and Parenting!! Stay tune!! See yaaa!!

Friends date! Just What I needed it!!

Hello world!!! Last week I was feeling a little lonely, I mean, I needed to be with friends and talk and just have a good time with friends!! So What I did, I called 3 of my friends that I haven’t seen since I get here, and we planed to go out and have some time together. We ended up watching a movie and eating Ice Cream and just talk! I needed a girlfriends date, and forgetting about all the paper and errand that I’m doing, also I needed get out of my house, mostly because I do the paperwork via E-mail,  I need constant communication with the University in Spain, so I spent a lot of time in my room in my computer, and I was getting a little tired of being there all day, and I needed to talk to someone!! I’m really happy and blessed to have really good friends!! The ones that you can count when you need it!! At the movies we saw the new movie of Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, so good!!! Very good movie!! And Yes, I go to the movies all the time, it’s kind of t...

25 Facts About me

I now is weird what I’m about so say, but I love my personality, really I don’t want to change It’s hard for me to ask for help, any kind to anyone. I love hearing new music, I get bored if I hear the same type of music all the time. I love my family. My Best friend is my Sister. I love kids, I’m one of those person who born to be a mom, one day I’d like to adopt and have 6 kids!! I love big families I can’t go to bed before I go to pee! Sorry I don’t like to work out, I HATE IT. I have to admit it, I could be a better friend, I just have about 5 good friends, and I don’t need more. I’m very shy when  you first meet me, then I go CRAZY I’m scare of any kind of pain, I don’t like to vaccine, the last two times I did it I passed out, IS TRUE! I don’t know how to drive My favorite food in the entire world is Black beans follow very close French Fries. It was hard for me to let it go V and R, sometimes I’m still struggle with the feelings I just got my First Credit C...


Hello My friends!! So, if you have been reading my blog for a t ime now, you now know who much I LOVE Pretty Little Liars, Seriously I’m obsess with this show. So last Tuesday was the 100th episode of the show, and it couldn't be more perfect, the writers, production, and cast and crew do a wonderful job with the show, it’s unbelievable that 5 years has by and the show it has a very strong audience and it gets better and better. So that’s it what I wanted to say… My life right know is pretty boring and just movies and TV shows haha!! 

Chit-Chat and Parenting... Same rules in home and Outside

 Hi Friends, This time in Chit-Chat and Parenting I want to talk about the rules of the home and how sometimes we don’t applied them outside of the house, or in summer time, etc. First I hope your kids DO have some rules in the house, and also I hope that you explained to them, and also I hope that they know why those rules exist, if you didn’t do this, this is the first thing that you should do. When the Kids understand WHY those rules exist, is going to be more easy for them to follow, also at the same time you make the rules you have to establish which are the consequences are going to be if they broke any rule, so when they broke one (Because they are going to do it) they already know which consequence is going to be for him/she. When we are out of the house, like the supermarket, the mall, or Vacations, they have to know that the same rules that are in home, are the same in the place that you are at, (also every place should have another rules beside the homes one...


Hello My Friends, I don’t know if I get late to this party or not, but I saw Maleficent last Sunday and I loved it, even tho that I watched in Spanish, it was much better that I thought it would be. I went with my dad, because even with 25 years old I’m his baby girl!! Yeap I’m proud to say that, Sunday is our day and almost every Sunday we go to the Movies, I really enjoy this time with him. Well Maleficent, let me tell you that Angelina Jolie is not my favorite person in the world, I kind of hate her, I’m no quite sure why but that’s how I feel every time that I see her face, so I wasn't thrilled about her being in the movie, but It’s a Disney Movie, and I love Disney and I wanted to watch it, despite the fact that she is in. I loved the Movie, I just have to say Disney knows how to do movies for adults and kids, I enjoyed every single minute of it, and Angelina wasn't bad or a least I didn't wanted to punch her face… I loved the effects and the story line, ...

My Independence Day!! July 5

 Yeap, With popcorn and movies I spent my Independence day... Our Independence Day is July 5, and when I was little it was a great day, because we had a plane show, at least in Caracas, So when I was little I always was excited about the plane and the show that they use to perform for us... But then, this government came and change it all, and also I grow up and move close to the place were they practice all week before, and it wasn't fun anymore So this day everything is closed, the malls and stores, there's nothing to do except to go to the parade that is just boring, so most people stay in their homes, sleeping, resting and etc... My Cousin called me and told me if I do wanted to do something fun, but how everything was closed the only thing that I came up with was watching movies at my house, but at the end of the day they couldn't make it, so there was just me, all alone watching a movie I decided to watch the Conjuring, because I've had wanted to w...

Carlos's Birthday Party!!

My stepfather has his Birthday on July 4, (Yes, your Independence day, not mine), and I don't know if every single people when reach certain age start to don't care about theirs Birthdays!!! My mom hates to celebrate her Birthday since she turned about 47 or 48, she always tell me in her Birthday that she don't want people come over, I mean I get it, It's your Birthday and the last thing that you want to do is serve to other people, but I mean is just one day at year, and I help her. My stepfather is the same, but for him I don't get it, because he is not in charge to host the party, so I don't know why he doesn't wanted a party or a celebration, but either way my mom invited his other daughter and one good friend to come over and celebrate his Birthday!! It was a very small celebration, but I think everyone had a great time. My mom Made the Cake, we made Empanadas and also Tequeños!! I think at the end of the day he was happy to celebra...

Chit-Chat and Parenting, Staying in home or going out

Hello My Friends!! I don’t know if you have this problem as I do/had When I was working as a Nanny with V and R, we used to go out of the house EVERYDAY, and I’m not talking about going to the backyard, I’m talking about going to a park, to a mall, even the supermarket was fun for them, sometimes it was fun going out every day but some days it just was too hard or difficult to do it, sometimes they got upset when we didn’t go out, it and some days we have to go out just to please them, and for me that was a problem. In the other hand when I started to work with the other American Family, and it was the opposite, they didn’t like to go out, and the girl didn’t like even to go to the park, they were a family compromise with work, also being an American and living here, in general is so dangerous, so I think that they didn’t go out for fear, some days I felt sorry for the kids because they never leave the house to do something fun, at least the girl was going to the schoo...

Papers, Papers and more Papers!!

Hello My friends. One month pass by, I have here already a month, I can’t believe. You know the saying “Make plans and God will laugh”, well that’s kind of what is happening to me, I had a schedule about my errands here, and in my plans by the end of this month I was supposed to be signed up in the University in Spain.  well my first two weeks here were fine, I was just doing my errand and everything was right on time, but I need one more paper from my university and they don’t know when it’s going to be ready… so my plan change, I'll go ahead and do another errands to have all the papers for the Visa, so when the paper of my university is ready and I send it to Spain and they respond me, I’ll have all the paper ready to apply for the Visa. I’m very positive about all this, I have time till September, though I wanted to do it before that month, but let’s see what is going to happen!

Beach days With Emma

Hello My friends!!! This little girl is with her mamma already, but before she left we went to her Grandparent's beach house. She had a blast and so do I, I was a little nervous about going with them, but they are a very nice family, and they treat me very well. I was happy to share this moments with her, because she lives in another country, I know, I’m going to live there very soon, but still, I love her and I wanted to spend every minute of mi time with her.