
Showing posts from May, 2013

And the day is here

Tomorrow is my last day in Tenerife... It's been 2 months and a half, with ups and downs... more ups than downs!!! I have mixed feelings! for one part I'm dying to come home... I miss my life there, or well my independence there, my friends and family, I miss go out just with my friends, I miss the fact that, there I can decide where to go and when... I miss my mom and dad, and I miss my house, and I miss so much CARACAS, and her big buildings, and the city, really the city!! I want to see big buildings,  for that part I'm so happy that tomorrow is my last day here, I have a lot of plans in my head for when I get to Venezuela... The sad part, is that country is a MESS, I don't want to deal with any of those problems, believe it or not there's not toilet paper, and that is the top of the iceberg, also the traffic, the craziness in there... but well I can't do anything about it right? I'm sad because I will miss the tranquility of this island, the fact T...

meanwhile in Venezuela

I had almost three months in here, and a lot of things are going on in Venezuela... My whole family and friends are there, so, is impossible just disconnect about what is going on there... we have a stupid president.... I could not vote in the elections because I was here... but the new president is worse than Chavez was.... I just hate it. The currency has devalued a lot... 1 dollar is costing 25 bolivares, before chavez died (3 months ago) 1 dollar cost 10 bolivares.  the shortages has increased, now there's not toilet paper, my sister and I are going to bring toiler paper in our bags!! that is crazyyyy... also there's not corn flour, sugar, butter, milk... etc... they are marking the people with numbers to buy food!!! Universities are on strike, nobody is working, I have to do something there, ask some papers, but they are not working... AND I SUPPORT THE STRIKE, the teacher deserve better salaries. Today I read that the transporters may go on strike too... So Venezue...

My last days in tenerife

Only 10 days left... and i don't want yo leave!!!

when I disappear...

Is Because I had a lot on my mind, and I can't focus in nothing else except about that... And Right now I have a lot on my head!!

Happy Two months Emma

Emma turned 2 month the past 26 of April... We were on Sevilla, and I can't do the post... So here I come. Emma you get your first shot, and you cried a lot, but mom and dad did it more than you... Your weights is 5,700kg and you heights is 57 cm... You are a big girl, the doctor said that you are healthy baby girl. This month you are more active, you talk and your favorite word is AGUM.. Your bestfriend is a frog that is in your crib... You love it, and when you see it you laugh.  Your favorite song is Somebody that I used to know... When you cry, we put it for you and then you stop , very funny You are smiling more, in the mornings you talk with your mom and dad... so far you are a morning person. You don't cry... you do a little screams when you are very upset, but you don't cry... and you always scream when you are hungry or wet, the rest of the day you are such a happy girl. You are wearing 3 month size on clothes, some of them fit you well and others...


Well I'm link up with Kelly Korner ... This time the subjet of the Show us your Life series is Mothers of teens!! I'm not a mother, and sometime I consider it myself a teen... But my sister is a Pre teen, and the life with her is not easy for me... I'm the middle child, So I saw the teen years of my old Sister, and let me tell you She not was a easy teen... I love her with all my heart, but she put my mom in difficult situations... for my mom not was easy, for me as a little sister, she was the best and the worst some time, the best because I always count with her, I love the we can talk of almost anything, even when I was a little kid! She can told me everything, and I didn't said anything to my mom... Also she cover me a lot of time, she protect me, and now I count with her, more than anything or anyone... and the worse because she make my mom very upset, and my mom scare me a little bit when she get upset. but well she not was a easy teen, and that is the past.   ...

The real First day on Sevilla

Well actually the first day was the day that we arrive! We do not take pictures that day. We leave the house around the 2:30 pm and we had to be in the airport at 3 and the flight was at 4, it was the first trip to my niece, my sister and brother in law were very nervous about all the controls and the flight for my niece...  let me tell you, go through the controls with the diaper bag, the stroller, our purse, our jackets, and all our stuff was insane... the stroller could not go through the x-ray machine at first, so my brother in law had to stay a little longer in the check point, my sister had to hold my niece meanwhile I was with ALL our stuff. (recomendations if you are traveling for the first time with babies... keep it simple!! just get the diaper bag and put there all the stuff, yours and the baby as well) well after we pass all the controls, it was time to board the plane, we were the last one to board... the flight with Emma goes well, my sister sit a little far away fro...

I have a problem with the pictures AGAIN!!!

I can't upload it here!!! I do not know what happen, but I just can't!!!