Tomorrow is the Last day!!
Tomorrow is the last day of 2011, and I know that in other post I said that I not ready for the New Year!! But Now I am!! really I'm excited about tomorrow and the whole new year, I'm ready for start my last semester in college, I'm ready for see what the new year comes to my life. I'm so tankful with god for the family I have!! they make all the celebrations a party, we are very close and if any body in my family have a problem everybody comes out and help, for example we have a aunt who live in another state and she always come for holidays with my cousins, but this year she could not come because she don't have enough money for the tickets, and neither she or my uncle work right now, so that she come this Christmas was almost impossible, but 4 aunts, 1 uncle, my grandmother sent money so she could come. And thankful for my friend even I don't ...